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Habitz is a habit-forming platform that combines blockchain technology, behavioral economics principles to inceltivize and reward users for forming and sticking to new habits.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Pain points for the User

• Lack of compelling incentives in traditional loyalty programs.

• Difficulty in maintaining long-term engagement with brands.

• Limited sense of value and ongoing benefits beyond the initial purchase.

• Insufficient motivation to develop and sustain positive habits.

• Uncertainty and lack of trust in loyalty program rewards and tracking.

Pain points for the Brand

• Challenges in retaining customers and building lasting relationships.

• Decreased customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

• Difficulty in encouraging consistent product usage and engagement.

• Limited means to differentiate from competitors and create value for customers.

• Trust and transparency concerns regarding rewards and program effectiveness.


Habitz is a habit forming platform that leverages blockchain technology, behavioral economics principles, to incentivize and reward consistent behavior. By providing customers with a platform to participate in events created by brands they purchased and earn cashback rewards based on achieving daily milestones, the platform aims to create value for customers while promoting product usage.

Value Propositions

• Integration of behavioral economics to motivate customers through habit formation.

• Utilization of blockchain technology for transparent tracking and verification.

• Customized brand events for a personalized customer experience.

• Cashback rewards based on achieving specific milestones.

• Focus on creating ongoing value for customers and fostering mutual benefits between brands and customers.

How it's Made

This is the tech that we used to build the platform

  1. core - Smart contracts incorporating business logic
  2. ui - Next.js/TypeScript-based frontend dApp
  3. SuperFluid - For real-time streaming rewards based on Programmable Cashflows
  4. Polygon - Easy, Cheap and quickest L2 solution for deploying contracts
  5. Livepeer - for live streaming instructor-led content
  6. Monaverse - publishing and viewing the live stream in the metaverse
  7. YouTube - Online course provider
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