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Hedera Offset

Hedera Offset automates carbon tracking and trading with IoT and Hedera blockchain, ensuring tamper-proof, real-time verification of carbon tokens for trusted, transparent sustainability efforts.

Hedera Offset

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Hedera Offset

Hedera Offset is an innovative solution that automates the process of tracking, verifying, and trading carbon offsets using a combination of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Hedera’s blockchain technology. The project aims to tackle inefficiencies in the current carbon offset ecosystem by providing real-time, transparent, and tamper-proof data management, making carbon offset tokens more valuable and trustworthy.

Key Components:

1. IoT Integration:

Devices such as SONOFF and ESP32 collect environmental data (e.g., CO2 emissions reductions) in real-time from renewable energy projects, green buildings, and other sustainability initiatives.

2. Hedera Blockchain:

The data gathered by IoT devices is transmitted and recorded on Hedera's decentralized ledger, ensuring it is immutable and fully traceable. By integrating Hedera’s consensus service, the system guarantees transparency and removes the possibility of data tampering, providing a solid foundation for trust in the carbon tokens generated.

3. Automated Carbon Token Generation:

Each verified data entry related to CO2 savings automatically generates carbon tokens that can be traded in the marketplace. These tokens are backed by the verified environmental impact data recorded on the blockchain.

4. Real-Time Verification:

The entire process, from data collection to token generation, is automated. This ensures that carbon offsets are tracked and verified as they occur, reducing delays in the verification process and providing real-time insights into sustainability efforts.

5. Transparency and Trust:

Every token created can be traced back to the original data point, providing full transparency. This level of traceability boosts the credibility of carbon offsets, attracting more buyers and investors.

6. Marketplace for Trading:

The platform will include a marketplace where businesses, organizations, and investors can trade verified carbon tokens.

How it's Made

How It's Made

Hedera Offset is built with a combination of cutting-edge blockchain technology, IoT hardware, and customized software solutions to create a seamless, automated platform for carbon offset tracking and tokenization. Here’s a breakdown of the technologies used and how they are pieced together:

Technologies and Architecture:

1. Frontend:

The frontend of the application is developed using React, providing an intuitive and responsive user interface for managing carbon offset data and tokens. To connect with Hedera's blockchain, the application uses HashConnect, enabling users to securely interact with the HashPack wallet. This allows users to authenticate and sign transactions related to carbon offsets and token trades.

Additionally, the frontend interacts with the Hedera Mirror Node to fetch indexed data from the blockchain. This provides users with up-to-date and transparent information on the carbon offsets they generate and trade. The mirror node ensures that all interactions with the blockchain are fast, efficient, and verifiable.

2. Backend:

The backend is built using Node.js, which serves as the core engine for managing the platform's interactions with the Hedera blockchain. The backend makes use of two key Hedera services:

  • Hedera Consensus Service (HCS): This service is used to store and notarize environmental data from IoT devices in a tamperproof manner. HCS ensures that all data is recorded immutably on the blockchain, providing transparency and trust in the carbon offset tracking process.

  • Hedera Token Service (HTS): This service is responsible for the creation of carbon tokens. Each carbon offset is represented by a Hedera NFT (Non-Fungible Token), which is minted whenever verified data is received from IoT devices. This tokenization process ensures that each carbon credit is unique, traceable, and tradable on the platform’s marketplace.

3. Hardware:

The platform uses ESP32 microcontroller units (MCUs) with customized Tasmota firmware for collecting real-time environmental data. The ESP32 is flashed with this firmware, enabling it to interface with various smart meters commonly found in solar power plants and other renewable energy setups.

The Tasmota firmware allows for easy integration with different IoT devices, ensuring that the platform can be deployed across a wide range of hardware configurations. The firmware is configured to send CO2 savings and energy data to the backend, where it is notarized on Hedera's blockchain.

Hacky & Notable Aspects:

One particularly "hacky" approach used in the project is the customization of the Tasmota firmware. By adapting it to work seamlessly with ESP32, we ensured the hardware could be easily flashed and deployed across different smart meters. This greatly simplifies the installation process in solar plants, making it more scalable. Additionally, leveraging HashConnect for a more secure user experience with HashPack wallet integration allowed us to offer a seamless blockchain experience on the frontend.

The combination of Node.js, React, and Hedera's services provides an automated, tamperproof system for verifying, tokenizing, and trading carbon offsets, revolutionizing how businesses and organizations can manage and monetize their sustainability efforts.

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