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HedgeHog Protocol

HedgeHog is a DeFi protocol that hedges against the inherit impermanent loss of Uniswap liquidity pools using NFTs. It does that by creating a derivative (NFT) of the expected value of such IL, using heavy off-chain computation in optimistic rollups.

HedgeHog Protocol

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🥉 Cartesi — Best Use

Project Description

HedgeHog is a DeFi protocol that hedges against the inherit impermanent loss of Uniswap liquidity pools using NFTs. You can mint and trade such NFTs, claim protection in the protocol. Meanwhile, the insurance is funded by HEDH token using bonding curve so you can buy and sell HEDH token in our protocol as well.

How it's Made

This project, hedgehog protocol, is a financial engine designed to shelter a normal dex trader from downside risk. In general, the protocol works based on central limit theorem.

The frontend, integrates with Wallet Connect,the communications protocol for web3, enabling wallets and apps to securely connect and interact.

It uses Cartesi to calculate the insurance premium, chainlink to get the live price of ETH/USD, walletconnect to manage the account. We use solidity smart contract as backend, react.js as front end. Together with Cartesi deployed into optimistic rollup.

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