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Herd of Cows

Upgrade COW swap mechanism to do cross chain coincidence of wants as the engine that optimizes the path in a cross chain swapping.

Herd of Cows

Created At


Winner of

šŸ„ˆ Uniswap ā€” Most Innovative

šŸ„‰ Connext ā€” Best xApp

Project Description

The natural next step in DEX trading is to provide the seamless swap experience across all chains.

(ETH on Terra ===> ETH on BSC) in a single and swift transaction, on the most efficient pricing across all

DEX pools liquidities across all chains. The algorithm required to calculate this optimized path is left to "solvers" to compete for the best solution where they compete to solve the batch auction. HerdOfCows adopts the COW protocol mechanism of batch auctions and allows for cross chain transactions.

How it's Made

ā€¢ The project renormalizes the COW protocol solver optimization problem into a harder cross chain

   problem adding the chain dimension. The solver problem is effectively a JSON in and JSON out with 

   10 seconds in between to solve the problem and return a solution. We re-define the json files based 

    on the  linear optimization problem with new constraints. 

ā€¢ The settlement process follows four operational steps which are in effect constraints to the

    optimization problem: 0) Collect funds and synchronize across chains. 1) AMM swaps 2) Bridge 

    Swaps and synchronize. 3) Transfer Tokens out to users. 

ā€¢ We deployed the modified COW settlement contract on the testnets Rinkeby and Kovan.

ā€¢ We integrate with testnet UNISWAP to do the swapping of the tokens.

ā€¢ We use the Connext AMROC testnet deployment that allows fast bridging.

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