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Hermes: Segmented Advertising

Hermes leverages under-utilization of POAP potential as a segmentation tool that powers an web3 marketing ecosystem. Marketers are now able to reach their selected web3 community within a few clicks for a fee that a portion is distributed to the audience through web3 payments.

Hermes: Segmented Advertising

Created At


Winner of

📊 Data Union — Best Data DAO

Project Description

Hermes is a web-based decentralized app (dApp) that enables POAP data discovery to segment audiences into marketing campaigns. Web3 payment methods are also used to solve native web2 marketing problems. Hermes solves three core problems (1) under-utilization of POAP potential, (2) non-existent native web3 marketing ecosystem, (3) lack of win-win revenue streams for people’s data used in marketing strategies. POAPs are used as an initial filter as categories to segment individual wallets where they are used in our ecosystem. Marketers can come into the Hermes ecosystem and develop marketing campaigns for a fee. That fee is then distributed to both Hermes and the individual wallets whose POAPs were used to filter to make the campaign.

How it's Made

We use sponsor technology like streamr network with dataunions, we use this to distribute the incentive that the person creating the ad gives to people who can potentially watch it. The information about the metadata of the poaps, we obtained it because it is public and from there we could elaborate a search system based on categories and keywords. The information of the events that are created is stored centrally, in supabase. From the backend we mainly used note.js and express. And from the frontend we used react with chakra ui and rainbowkit, which allows our user to connect to our app using different wallets or even using wallet connect.

We discovered a way to query the graft database asynchronously to get the volume value of unique addresses of each audiences in real time. We set up a continuence deployment with vercel to streamline our workflow, for the api and for the frontend. What is innovative about our project is that there is very little exploration on the advertising side of the web3 and we are using poaps to exploit this new area.

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