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Hypercompute: Offload heavy computations to L2 chains, slash gas fees, and boost scalability without compromising security or decentralization. Unleash the power of L2 chains!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥇 Hyperlane — Best Use

Project Description

Hypercompute is a novel interchain compute protocol that aims to address the pressing issue of high gas fees on Layer 1 (L1) chains.

By enabling the offloading of computationally intensive tasks to Layer 2 (L2) chains, Hypercompute offers a viable solution to the scalability and cost-effectiveness challenges plaguing L1 chains.

In essence, Hypercompute allows smart contracts deployed on L1 chains to seamlessly delegate resource-demanding computations to L2 chains. This is achieved through a mechanism that involves the transmission of bytecode and encoded functions from the L1 chain to the L2 chain. Once received by the L2 chain, the designated function is executed, and the resultant data is relayed back to the L1 chain.

This ingenious design grants developers the flexibility to partition their smart contracts, strategically allocating computationally intensive tasks to L2 chains where gas fees are significantly lower. As a consequence, users can reap the benefits of reduced transaction costs while still enjoying the security and reliability of L1 chains.

The advantages of utilizing Hypercompute are manifold. Firstly, it enables significant reductions in gas fees. By offloading computationally intensive tasks to L2 chains, Hypercompute drastically reduces the amount of gas consumed on L1 chains. This translates into lower transaction costs for users, making dApps more accessible and affordable.

Secondly, Hypercompute enhances the scalability of L1 chains. By freeing up resources on L1 chains, Hypercompute allows them to handle more transactions without becoming congested. This is particularly beneficial for dApps that experience high volumes of user activity.

In conclusion, Hypercompute represents a significant advancement in the realm of interchain communication. By addressing the issue of high gas fees, Hypercompute paves the way for the widespread adoption of L2 chains and the realization of a truly scalable and cost-effective blockchain ecosystem.

How it's Made


The motivation behind the creation of Hypercompute stemmed from a deep understanding of the pressing issue of high gas fees on Layer 1 (L1) chains. As the popularity of decentralized applications (dApps) has surged, so too have gas fees, making it increasingly difficult for users to interact with dApps. This has led to concerns about the scalability and sustainability of L1 chains.

While there are a number of proposed solutions to the gas fee problem, many of them involve trade-offs in terms of security or decentralization. Hypercompute was designed to address the gas fee problem without compromising on these core principles.


The initial concept for Hypercompute was born out of a brainstorming session involving members of the team. The team was exploring a number of ideas for how to improve the efficiency of interchain communication. One of the ideas that emerged was the possibility of offloading computationally intensive tasks to Layer 2 (L2) chains.

This idea was particularly appealing because it offered a way to reduce gas fees without sacrificing security or decentralization. By offloading computationally intensive tasks to L2 chains, L1 chains would be freed up to handle more transactions. This would lead to a reduction in gas fees, as users would not have to compete for limited resources on L1 chains.


The development of Hypercompute involved a number of technical challenges. One of the key challenges was developing a mechanism for securely transferring bytecode and encoded functions from L1 chains to L2 chains. Another challenge was developing a way to ensure that the results of computations performed on L2 chains could be trusted.

The Hyperlane team was able to overcome these challenges by developing a number of novel solutions. For example, the team developed a secure mechanism for transferring bytecode and encoded functions using Hyperlane's secure messaging protocol. The team also developed a system of reputation and verification for ensuring the trustworthiness of computations performed on L2 chains.


Hypercompute is a significant advancement in the realm of interchain communication. By addressing the issue of high gas fees, Hypercompute paves the way for the widespread adoption of L2 chains and the realization of a truly scalable and cost-effective blockchain ecosystem.

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