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HyperDAO: Empowering cross-chain DAOs with HypERC20 tokens & Hyperlane's interchain capabilities. Create Interchain DAOs, vote, govern & interact across chains. Connecting Mumbai & Sepolia for seamless DAO operations. Solve fragmented governance & promote adoption.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

HyperDAO Embark on a revolutionary journey in permissionless & decentralized governance with HyperDAO, harnessing Hyperlane's interchain capabilities. Enable seamless creation and management of Interchain DAOs, empowering users to vote, govern, and interact across multiple chains. Experience the future of decentralized decision-making.

Problems we solve

  1. Fragmented Governance: Decentralized governance is currently limited to individual blockchain networks, causing siloed communities and fragmented decision-making.

  2. Limited Participation: Users holding assets on multiple chains cannot easily participate in DAOs restricted to a specific chain, reducing inclusivity.

  3. Privacy Concerns: Traditional on-chain governance systems require public disclosure of voting decisions and holdings, deterring active participation due to privacy concerns.

What's Next:

  1. Interchain DAO Standards: We'll define technical specifications for Interchain DAOs, enabling seamless operations across diverse blockchain networks. These standards promote widespread adoption and compatibility.

  2. Multi-Chain Integration: HyperDAO Connect will be extended to support a broader range of blockchain networks. This will allow DAOs to operate on multiple chains without encountering technical obstacles, simplifying their cross-chain functionality and interactions.

  3. Privacy and Security: 3.1 Anonymous Voting: ZKPs enable participants to vote privately, keeping their identities and token holdings confidential. This ensures unbiased voting and prevents external influence.

3.2. Secure Proposal Submissions: With ZKPs, proposers can submit ideas anonymously, promoting open and honest contributions without fear of judgment.

  1. Gas efficiency: Our future research includes exploring ways to reduce gas costs and optimize the cross-chain interactions for an even smoother experience within the HyperDAO ecosystem.

PS: Both repos here (didn't allow us to add 2 to the link field)

How it's Made

NOTE: HypERC20 is a token contract enabling seamless cross-chain transfers via Hyperlane's Warp Routes.

  1. Deploy a DAO contract on the Mumbai network.

  2. To join the DAO, users must hold HypERC20 tokens in their wallets on any compatible blockchain (e.g., Mumbai or Sepolia).

  3. Utilize Hyperlane's Warp Routes to mint HypERC20 tokens in Mumbai and transfer them to Sepolia or vice versa.

  4. Owning HypERC20 tokens grants participation rights in the HyperDAO. Even with tokens solely on Sepolia, users can vote and propose for the Mumbai-based HyperDAO, bridging both networks.

HyperDAO enables easy engagement and interaction across multiple chains, empowering users with HypERC20 tokens to contribute from any supported network.

In the future, we will look to implement Hyperlane into our product (Swisstronik, layer 1 built on cosmos SDK & EVM-Compatible)

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