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HypeTribe - A collobarative social platform for the creation of digital art and UGC. Royalties, Monetisation of Raw Data (LLMs), Individual Copyright, AI-Proof Uniqueness + Verification, Automatic and Easy NFT Minting all integrated into the platform.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Core Differentiators to Web 2 Apps

  • Monetisation of raw data for AI training through Data DAOs
  • AI-Proof of IP ownership through verification & NFT
  • Inherent and editable Royalty feature right at creation
  • Performance-based retrospective rewards for creators (to benefit proportionally from viral content)
  • Fair copyright model
  • Art gets minted to NFT right at creation, making it uniquely identifiable and associated with the Creator
  • Advanced and cross-platform social features, social graph for collaborations and recommendation services

HypeTribe is designed as a transformative ecosystem for digital content, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to address the pressing needs of the modern creators' community. It's a comprehensive solution with a marketplace for digital art and UGC and tools to create the art on the platform. It provides a collaborative space for artists and micro-influencers to forge connections and create together. By integrating blockchain technology for secure transactions, ownership rights, and a better reward system, HypeTribe aims to democratize digital content creation and management, making it more accessible and engaging.

How it's Made

Blockchain for Transactions (Arbitrum): Uses Arbitrum's efficient and low-cost transaction capabilities to facilitate easy minting, buying, and selling of NFTs, ensuring creators can focus on art without worrying about high fees.

Digital Identity Verification (Worldcoin): Implements Worldcoin's identity verification system to build a trustworthy community of verified human artists and collectors, enhancing platform security and integrity.

Decentralized Profiles and Governance (ENS and ApeCoin): Utilizes Ethereum Name Service (ENS) for user-friendly, human-readable blockchain addresses for artist profiles, improving platform navigability and digital identity. Incorporates ApeCoin for decentralized governance, allowing the community to have a say in the platform's future developments.

Decentralized Storage (IPFS/Filecoin): Leverages IPFS/Filecoin for decentralized storage, offering a secure and permanent solution for storing digital art files, ensuring that artworks are tamper-proof and retrievably stored.

Notable Implementation: One innovative aspect of HypeTribe is its use of smart contracts for transparent and automatic royalty distribution. This feature ensures that artists receive their due royalties seamlessly from secondary sales, showcasing the platform's commitment to fair compensation for creators.

HypeTribe reimagines the digital art world as a more inclusive, secure, and collaborative space. It's not just a platform but a movement toward democratizing digital art creation and ownership, inviting artists and creators to join a vibrant, global community where art meets technology for mutual empowerment.

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