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ICE Alerts

ICE Alerts is a platform to manage smart medical or emergency alert tags using NFC, mobile app and the Blockchain

ICE Alerts

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏆 Push Protocol — Best Project

Project Description

ICE Alerts is a groundbreaking decentralized application (dApp) that leverages Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to offer a lifeline in emergency medical situations. This innovative dApp combines the power of blockchain with the convenience of NFC to create an In Case of Emergency (ICE) Medical Alert Card or Bracelet system. It's designed to ensure that critical medical information and emergency contacts are readily accessible when they matter most, even when an individual cannot communicate their health status.

How it's Made

Creating ICE Alerts, a decentralized medical emergency alert system, with the specified technologies involves multiple components and technologies. Here's a high-level overview of how ICE Alerts could be developed:

1. Next.js DApp:

  • Develop the user interface and functionality of the web application using Next.js, a popular React framework for building server-rendered React applications. It provides server-side rendering, which can improve SEO and page load times.

2. Filecoin EVM:

  • Utilize Filecoin's Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for blockchain functionality. This allows you to leverage the security and smart contract capabilities of the Ethereum ecosystem while integrating with the Filecoin network for decentralized storage.

3. Lit Protocol for Data Encryption:

  • Use Lit Protocol to encrypt and securely store the user's medical data. Lit Protocol is designed to provide privacy-preserving data access, making it suitable for sensitive medical information.

4. Safe for Account Abstraction:

  • Implement account abstraction to allow users to control and manage access to their medical data securely. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access the data.

5. NFT Storage for Encrypted Medical Data:

  • Store encrypted medical data as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain. Each NFT represents a user's medical record, and their ownership grants access to the encrypted data.

6. Push Protocol for Emergency Notifications:

  • Implement a push notification system that sends emergency notifications to authorized individuals when a user activates their medical alert. Use a secure and reliable protocol for real-time alerts.

7. Chats and Video Calls:

  • Integrate chat and video call functionality for communication between users, authorized contacts, and medical professionals. 8. React Native Mobile Applications:

  • Develop cross-platform mobile applications for Android and iOS using React Native. This allows for code reusability and faster development of mobile versions of ICE Alerts.

9. Data Flow:

  • Users input their medical information and designate authorized contacts through the Next.js web application.
  • The data is encrypted using the Lit Protocol and stored on the Filecoin EVM.
  • Encrypted medical data is represented as NFTs on the blockchain.
  • In case of an emergency, users can activate their medical alert, triggering a push notification to authorized contacts.
  • Authorized contacts can access the encrypted medical data through the Next.js DApp or mobile applications.
  • Real-time communication, including chat and video calls. .
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