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IMPACTO books & goods. BUY ONE . GIVE ONE . IMPACT. We're providing a simple, secure and transparent way to connect backers with underserved communities to maximize impact by buying your favorite books & goods with no extra cost.


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🥇 SkillWallet — ID (H)Activist Track

Project Description


The world has all the necessary resources for all human beings to be their best version. But somehow we created systems and a society that excludes most people from access to these resources and opportunities. The reason why people don't come together to solve these problems are many, but fundamentally they don't know each other and don't TRUST each other. What if we can create a prosperity path for that to happen.

A platform where they meet by a matchmaking system that connects them through their passions, interests and passion + a space where they trust each other through solid technology and systems that provide decentralization, transparency and exponential growth.

By creating a double sided marketplace with a matchmaking system (AI) that connects donors and social projects we are allowing them to create solutions together to solve fundamental human and environmental problems together.

And to attract people to come onboard, we are bringing them into the experience by tapping into their habits and routines like online purchase. In 2021, retail e-commerce sales amounted to approximately 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. This figure is forecast to grow by 50 percent over the next four years, reaching about 7.4 trillion dollars by 2025.

The statistic shows the number of print books consumers purchased in stores and online in the United States in 2017, by age. During the survey, 29 percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 stated that they purchased an equal amount of print books in stores and online.

And everyone (who can afford) buys books. So why not take that experience into an impactful one. I buy a book for myself and as a consequence I impact someone's home from a cause I care for.

By purchasing my school/university's book, a gift to a friend, my newly released favorite writer's book, I will contribute to a fund that will provide education to underserved communities through partner nonprofits.

This flow is created on top of SkillWallet, which creates a DAO out of the box, where a Role-Based Membership system and task management can be closely linked with contribution ("commitment level"). The user needs to connect through a Metamask Wallet and the SkillWallet App in order to get authenticated. Once logged in, the user can: a) Buy and Mint books as a donor or b) Mint books as a receiver. The current implementation leaves much room for improvement and steps in the flow where different moving parts could be integrated - an alternative marketplace and reduction of carbon footprint by leveraging superior gas price.

How it's Made

This flow is created on top of SkillWallet, which creates a DAO out of the box, where a Role-Based Membership system and task management can be closely linked with contribution ("commitment level"). The user needs to connect through a Metamask Wallet and the SkillWallet App in order to get authenticated. Once logged in, the user can: a) Buy and Mint books as a donor or b) Mint books as a receiver. For that, truffle and ganache were used locally. The Frontend was done with React, Vercel/Next.js and Styled Components.

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