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Improving Walletconnect Onboarding UX

Improving developer onboarding experience on walletconnect

Improving Walletconnect Onboarding UX

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

WalletConnect, as a decentralized protocol, plays a pivotal role in enabling secure and seamless connections between blockchain applications and users' wallets. To further enhance the adoption and usability of WalletConnect, it is essential to focus on improving the developer onboarding user experience (UX). An intuitive and developer-friendly onboarding process ensures that more developers integrate WalletConnect into their applications, expanding its reach and fostering innovation within the decentralized ecosystem.

How it's Made

FIgma file - WalletConnect, as a decentralized protocol, plays a pivotal role in enabling secure and seamless connections between blockchain applications and users' wallets. To further enhance the adoption and usability of WalletConnect, it is essential to focus on improving the developer onboarding user experience (UX).

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