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A decentralized record store built for independent artists and collaboration.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

A decentralized record store built on the blockchain. We allow fans to support the artists directly with 98% less fees than bandcamp. Artists list their music for sale; with options for free downloads, limited editions and pay what you want. They can specify royalty splits for collaborators solving a key issue with Bandcamp's model.

Additionally fan engagement is rewarded with Fan Tokens which allow access to gated content for the most dedicated of fans. Resharing on other platforms engaging with posts and buying music earn Fan Tokens.

Fans get to own a piece of history as an NFT as well know that they are truly supporting favourite artists in more than one way.

How it's Made

We chose to build this app by forking a Dynamic starter app so that we could leverage some nice features out of the box namely auth, AA integrations and token gating.

We used chiliz fan tokens to leverage the best sports and entertainment chain. Utilizing the concept of fan tokens allows the artists on our platform to drive engagement by providing rewards for being a good fan.

We think retail users have had a bumpy ride in web3 and have endured poor user experiences scams and false promises. So we made a super web2 ux by utilising account abstraction and embedded wallets.

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