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Safe module to automatically sell received tokens via Cowswap.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

InstaDumper is a Safe multisig module that lets it owners create a list of tokens that they'd like to be automatically routed and sold via Cowswap when these tokens are sent to their multisig. These Cowswap orders are submitted from the module by leveraging EIP-1271. Automation is done via Gelato, which will check for these tokens every block and call the module when appropriate.

How it's Made

This project takes advantage of Safe modules to extend the functionality of what your Safe can do. Owners of the multisig can add to tokens to a "whitelist" on the module that specifics which tokens should be sold. Tokens received by this Safe are automatically monitored via an off-chain service called Gelato. A custom "Checker" is used to monitor for balance changes in the Safe for tokens specified by the whitelist every block. When the checker finds balance changes, a hook on the InstaDumper module is called and these tokens are submitted to an on-chain cowswap order directly from the module by leveraging EIP-1271.

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