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Instant Market

Dapp that puts your nft on the market in less than 5 minutes using the fractionalization, Instant Market

Instant Market

Created At


Winner of

🥈 Uniswap — Best Scaling Solution

🥇 Polygon — Best Use

🥈 WalletConnect — DeFi Track

Project Description

The web3 should be simple, and our project allows everyone to put your nft into market in less than 5 minutes.

1 - Select your NFT, can be a project, DAO, car, building, or any ERC721 NFT

2 - Fractionalize the NFT, choose the shares amount

3 - Provide the liquidity on AMM, this will create the market

4 - Sell your shares on our Marketplace

With this simple ideia, your can fund a project in 5 minutes, selling 5%, 10% of your shares

How it's Made

The project use the technologies:

IPFS: Decentralized Frontend hosted on IPFS, NFT Metadata

Nftfy: To Fractionalize the Nfts

Uniswap: To Provide Liquidity Protocol

1inch: To Trade Shares

TheGraph: To provide the smart contract data for the Fractions

WalletConnect: To connect into Dapp

CoinbaseWallet: To connect into Dapp

Polygon: Full Developed on Polygon

Polygon Finity Design System: To guide the Design System

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