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Use IntentBoost to get leverage or go short tokens on 1inch Fusion, CoW and Uniswap X


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

1inch Network - Most Innovative Application on top of 1inch Network's Fusion API 2nd Place

Gnosis Chain - Innovate on Gnosis Chain

Prize Pool

Project Description

"IntentBoost" is a project aimed at enhancing capital efficiency in intent-based trading systems. Our platform introduces advanced LP pools that empower market makers and resolvers to optimize their capital efficiency on protocols like 1inch Fusion.

Our solution allows permissionless access for LP providers, to get yield for usage of capital by market makers and resolvers.

By utilizing LP pools, we aim to significantly enhance capital efficiency and optimize the flow of transactions passing through the intent-based trading platforms. This approach offers several advantages compared to alternative solutions like flash loans on AAVE/Compound.

Additionally, our solution helps save on gas fees and commissions that would otherwise be incurred through alternative methods like flash loans. By using LP pools, users can avoid costly loan origination fees and enjoy more cost-effective transaction processing.

Overall, the IntentBoost project aims to provide a streamlined and efficient method for solvers and market makers to access leveraged positions and engage in short-selling, optimizing capital efficiency and reducing costs associated with transaction facilitation.

How it's Made

Our project is a proof-of-concept smart contract written in Solidity. We used simple pools logics like deploying new pool, adding funds and withdrawals. To leverage 1inch Fusion integration, we fork the mainnet and showcase interaction of our pools with simple test resolver.

We deployed our smart contracts on Gnosis chain, Mantle and Polygon zkEVM.

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