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Inter Planetary Cultural Storage (IPCS)

We are building “Inter Planetary Cultural Storage” to empower historians and communities to capture and preserve histories and places in blockchain based file storage.

Inter Planetary Cultural Storage (IPCS)

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

IPCS is a "Global Cultures DataDao"

We record cultural histories of communities, documents local arts, and captures photos and stories of cultural diversity in significant places that must be preserved.

This solution creates "large shared data-sets" that can be used by governments, schools, museums and other archivists. for studying and use it for Innovations.

Used by: Historians, UNESCO, Content Creators, and Art Collections, AI and ML

Ideal for: National Libraries, Collections, Public Archives, Large Photo Libraries

Example Decentralized Science: The IPCS app can be used for cross-border decentralized science allowing historians to adopt Data DAO rules for computing with data from global heritage sites and large archives.

OUR USE CASE: Our use case is storing files on culturally diverse places in Los Angeles, starting with a park in Boyle Heights, East LA. This solution creates community managed data-sets that can be used by governments, schools, museums and other archivists in decentralized science to study cultures.

How it's Made

FILECOIN - Calibration Testnet

  1. Deploy Data DAO contracts for IPCS to Calibration Testnet
  2. Configure the DAO tokens, voting, and governance use case for IPCS
  3. Use voting function to calculate votes and approve Filecoin storage deals.
  4. Use Lighthouse Storage SDK to store successful cultural asset files on Filecoin.Storage on Calibration Testnet.
  5. Storage providers notified of new storage deals.
  6. We were inspired by FIL and Protocol Labs to innovate with DataDAO technology. We built this project with FVM to enable curation, compute-over-data, and governance of valuable cultural Datasets.


  1. Require Apecoin for Voting
  2. Create custom Apecoin contract for Calibration Testnet.
  3. Add Mint functionality in Front-End for users to get their first Calibration Testnet Apecoin.
  4. Reward cultural preservation professionals using IPCS Application with Apecoin. Apecoin Address (Calibration Testnet) -> 0x07F99B29b69Afa06C6766309158A5940049Ef4E7


  1. User Input cultural data to Front-end.
  2. Send Metadata to IPFS using sdk.
  3. Retrieve IPFS meta-data by providing the CID.
  4. The storage is immutable and the Cultural History can be accessed anywhere.

  1. Trigger nft storage from user front-end asset upload.
  2. Include custom metadata: cultural significance, location, etc
  3. Use store method to upload metadata to IPFS.
  4. We are answering the teams call for Social Good Warriors: Making sustainability, and preventing misinformation a part of the IPCS system.


  1. The CID and meta-data are passed into the Storage Deal
  2. Data DAO members send storage proposals to Filecoin storage providers using Lighthouse sdk.
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