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It's About Time!

Utilizing Worldcioin & zkBob, We are a P2P Labor Marketplace. Users list their skills, set an hourly rate, and trade time securely via smart contracts, fostering activity, and driving value across the WorldCoin & ZKBob Ecosystems!

It's About Time!

Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🏊 Polygon — Build on Polygon

🥈 Worldcoin — Honorable Mentions

🏊 zkBob — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our project, built on WorldCoin and utilizing the zkBob is a pioneering Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Labor Marketplace designed to redefine how we perceive and trade value in the form of time and skills. This platform functions as a unique intersection of the gig economy and blockchain technology.

At its core, the platform empowers users to list their skills and set an hourly rate. This transforms each user into a service provider, with their time as the asset on trade. The listings contain detailed descriptions of the services they offer, creating a transparent and efficient environment for potential buyers. To bolster the credibility of sellers, links to their social profiles are included for reputation control.

On the buyer's side, they can log in using their wallets, review these listings, and decide which offerings to purchase and for how many hours. The purchase initiates a request sent to the seller, proposing to buy a certain quantity of their time at their specified price.

Upon the seller's acceptance of this request, a smart contract is triggered, and a timer begins for the duration of the work contract. This smart contract serves as a secure and immutable agreement between the buyer and seller, ensuring fair trade and fulfillment of service.

Once the timer runs out, indicating the completion of the service, the seller can claim their funds. The entire transaction process is completed securely and transparently on the blockchain.

After this, both the buyer and seller are returned to the beginning of this marketplace loop, ready to engage in further transactions. This not only drives continuous activity on the platform but also enhances the overall value of the WorldCoin network.

In essence, our project seeks to redefine the labor market, placing the power directly in the hands of users and enabling them to monetize their time and skills in a secure, transparent, and fair way, all while contributing to the growth and vitality of the WorldCoin & ZkBob ecosystems.

How it's Made

"It's About Time!" has been built with an integration of several sponsor technologies, each playing a crucial role in its function:

Worldcoin / World App: We've utilized Worldcoin's World ID proof of personhood protocol as the backbone of our identification system. This ensures that each user on our platform is a unique individual, adding a layer of security and trust to our marketplace.

zkBob: For payments, we've incorporated zkBob, allowing users to make stablecoin payments that are fast, secure, and privacy-preserving. This not only enhances transaction efficiency but also provides users with an added layer of financial privacy.

Polygon: Our entire platform is built on the Polygon blockchain. Known for its scalability and low-cost transactions, Polygon has enabled us to create a marketplace that is accessible and cost-efficient for our users.

One of the main challenges we faced was implementing the time-tracking feature within the smart contracts, as blockchain's concept of time differs from real-world time. To solve this, we had to creatively use block timestamps and calculate an approximate duration for the work contracts.

Another hacked solution we implemented was using social media profiles as a form of reputation control. While this is not a conventional method in blockchain applications, it's a pragmatic solution that enhances trust within our platform, while we explore more decentralized reputation systems for future iterations.

Overall, we've managed to piece together these various technologies into a cohesive and user-friendly platform that we believe will significantly contribute to the Worldcoin, Polygon, & Zkbob ecosystems

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