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Say goodbye to wasted hours searching for the perfect team or member. With Join!, finding the ideal teammates or project profiles is as easy as a conversation.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

We have built a platform to connect hackers with teams. Through a simple way you as a hacker can find a team that requires your skills or a team can find a specific profile for the development of the project. Individuals, lost in the sea of faces, desperately seeking a team that requires their unique prowess. Say goodbye to wasted hours finding a team or a member team and Join! to start building your project!

How it's Made

Join, powered by Metamask Wallet integration, revolutionizes the way you participate in Hackathons. A smart contract swiftly verifies your ETH Deposit, granting you access to an array of Hackathons through a Lock from Unlock Protocol. Every participant is represented by a minted TBA (ERC-6551) role, enabling the selection of specific skills and interests, which could potentially be transformed into NFTs in the future. Additionally, your profile showcases your prestigious POAPs earned from previous hackathons, thanks to seamless integration with Airstack's query system.

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