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Unleash Your Potential: Achieve, Grow, and Earn with our ecosystem for following through your goals and quitting bad habits.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Welcome to our transformative project designed to empower you to lead the life you've always desired. Our project is built on the belief that significant changes and personal growth can be accomplished by breaking down big goals into smaller, achievable steps.

Whether you dream of starting your own YouTube channel to share your passions with the world or wish to quit smoking and embrace a healthier lifestyle, this is the ideal environment for you. We understand that embarking on a new endeavor can be daunting, but we're here to guide you throughout the process.

Our project is designed to cultivate positive habits that will gradually become ingrained in your daily routine. By focusing on small, manageable actions, you'll build momentum and steady progress toward your ultimate aspirations. We believe that sustainable change happens when we consistently commit to making incremental improvements over time.

What Our Project Does (Working)

  1. The user asks about their goals and our AI will break them down into easily achievable steps. After which, the user can agree to or propose changes based on their schedules and preference.
  2. Once the plan is finalized, the user will be asked to stake some tokens (we're planning of using Compound for this). This is the incentive and accountability part of our ecosystem.
  3. Once the user stakes the tokens, the journey to building new habits and/or breaking old habits begins. Throughout the journey, our AI will perform the role of a mentor, a best friend, and a confidant.
  4. Through these roles, the users will be able to share anything they wish to with the AI.
  5. The more active and progressive the users are the higher the incentive as we also will mint out NFTs after the users have gained a certain amount of trust or XP (experience points).
  6. If the users on the other hand are not active, their stake will slowly start to burn away over a period of time.
  7. The users can only unstake after they've achieved their goal.

How it's Made

This DApp is built using Langchain and Chainlit as the backend brain for the AI's Language Model. We're also going to use Compound III for staking and we're planning to use a bit of Erasure's protocol's logic for the stake-burning tokenomics. But, for the basic web3 functionality, we're using Moralis backend to handle users and have the AI make decisions for the stake burning. So, we're hooking up AI to the smart contract such that if the AI thinks the user is lying, it'll trigger an event to unstake the stake and burn the tokens.

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