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KediTrees facilitates digital investments tied to real-world CO2 reduction in tree plantations, leveraging satellite data for accuracy. The platform ensures secure carbon credit trading and encourages sustainable investments, contributing to environmental preservation.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Keditokens is a pioneering blockchain-based platform reshaping climate action. Through Keditokens, investors contribute to environmental conservation by digitally investing in tree plantations. Satellite-monitored data, integrated via oracles, ensures transparency and accuracy.

Traditional carbon credit systems estimate emissions, but Keditokens disrupts this paradigm by creating an expansive CO2 sink. Accredited institutes issue carbon credits, recorded on the immutable blockchain. Each credit corresponds to a certificate, and each certificate maps to a token, forging a secure link between environmental impact and digital assets.

Tokenomics is meticulously designed for sustainability. A portion of tokens is safeguarded in a vault, preventing inflation. In the event of harm or loss, these tokens can be burnt, preserving the integrity of environmental goals.

User experience is streamlined with account abstraction, enhancing accessibility for investors. Transparency is paramount, with investors easily sharing profile addresses for audits. The platform introduces dynamic market dynamics through decentralized exchanges, fostering continuous environmental initiatives.

In essence, Keditokens transcends traditional carbon credit limitations, offering a tangible, measurable impact on climate conservation through cutting-edge blockchain technology. It represents a transformative approach to sustainable investing, contributing to a greener, healthier future.

How it's Made

Technology Stack:

Frontend Development: Utilized React to craft an intuitive and user-friendly interface, providing investors seamless access to their accounts and a comprehensive dashboard for real-time tracking of contributions and impact.

Authentication Simplified: Incorporated web3auth to streamline the sign-up and sign-in process, eliminating the need for users to manage private keys. Users can effortlessly log in using their email addresses, enhancing accessibility and usability.

Wallet Abstraction with Safe[core]: Implemented account abstraction through Safe[core], eliminating reliance on external wallets. This innovative approach ensures a frictionless user experience while maintaining the highest security standards.

Smart Contracts Development: Leveraged the Foundry toolchain to develop robust smart contracts, the backbone of our ecosystem. These contracts govern the interactions within the platform, fostering transparency and trust.

Blockchain Deployment: Deployed smart contracts on leading blockchain networks, including Sepolia, Scroll, and Linea. This strategic deployment ensures optimal performance and reliability within the blockchain ecosystem.

Oracles for Deterministic Data: Integrated Chainlink's cutting-edge blockchain oracles solution to fetch deterministic data insights. This includes real-world satellite data, providing accurate and verifiable information crucial for assessing environmental impact.

Innovations and Noteworthy Achievements:

Web3auth for Seamless Onboarding: By implementing web3auth, we've elevated user onboarding, making it hassle-free and secure. Users can engage with our platform using familiar email addresses, enhancing accessibility without compromising security.

Safe[core] Account Abstraction: Our commitment to security is exemplified through Safe[core]. It abstracts the complexities of external wallets, offering a seamless and secure environment for users to engage with their digital assets.

Decentralized Deployment: Choosing Sepolia, Scroll, and Linea for smart contract deployment not only ensures reliability but also aligns with our commitment to decentralization, a key pillar of blockchain technology.

Chainlink Oracles for Accurate Data: The integration of Chainlink's oracles ensures that our platform relies on accurate and verifiable data, a critical element for transparent and trustworthy environmental impact assessments.

Contribution to Carbon Credits Market Evolution:

Attestations for Enhanced Transparency: The incorporation of attestations transforms the carbon credits market, introducing transparency and trust. Each credit's immutable history on the blockchain showcases its journey from issuance to retirement.

Standardized Schema with EAS: Advocating for a standardized schema, particularly with Ethereum Attestation Standards (EAS), lays the foundation for a more interconnected and efficient carbon credits market. This approach facilitates seamless interoperability across issuers and platforms.

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