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Know Your Co-signers

Know Your Co-signers application allows you to access different statistics and charts for any provided multi-signature smart account and its signers to see how they behave and how active they are.

Know Your Co-signers

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Envio - Best Use of HyperSync

Project Description

Available at, the application allows you to access different statistics and charts for any provided multi-signature smart account and its signers to see how they behave and how active they are, categorizing them with different tags like: "Most popular signer", "Most popular executor", "Occasional signer", "Occasional executor", "Best sponsor", "100% committed", "No signing activity", "No execution activity".

Existing multi-signature accounts like Safe have macro analytics dashboards (like Dune Analytics) showing the total number of transactions on different networks, etc. Still, there is currently no way to see some statistics about just a given account: charts with the number of executed transactions, data about how many transactions were executed by its signers, and tags that classify signers depending on their behavior (e.g., if they have more activity not related to the given multi-signature account, if they usually execute the transactions instead of just signing them, etc.).

How it's Made

Know Your Co-signers application is a monorepo that includes two projects inside. Currently it only works for Ethereum Mainnet accounts and it offers a web responsive design for different screen sizes.

  • The back-end service is a Node application built with Express.js to create a REST API. This service receives requests from the front-end application. It defines the correct queries to send to Envio for the historical data related to the multi-signature smart account and its signers.

  • The front-end application is a React application built with Next.js framework. For any given multi-signature smart account address that is provided by users:

    • It calls the blockchain to get the list of signers (using a Viem provider),
    • It calls the back-end service to retrieve the history of transactions (from Envio),
    • It calls the Safe Transaction Service to retrieve the history of off-chain signatures,
    • It uses D3.js library to render the transaction history charts and display several statistics.
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