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We run data analysis and draw user profile based on the peers a blockchain address is interacting with.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

The project runs graph algorithms to conduct the user profile, characteristics for the peers on the blockchain, without knowing who he really is. We can use this application to protect blockchain users from fraud, identify malicious users, anti-money laundry. For example, a wallet application can always use our KnowYourPeer API to protect users from malicious smart contract that does fraud.

How it's Made

We run a cluster of workers using kubernetes, we build a graph index (sub-graph), to query our user's transactions, and the workers will run algorithms to do analysis based on who are the peers a user is interacting with, what type of transactions, and what are the value of transactions, to calculate a normalized value to represent a user's characteristic, store the value and characteristics in the database, and we can provide APIs allow those data to be used publicly. then we can draw a profile of the user without knowing who he really is.

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