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This is the decentralized search engine everyone has been waiting for! It's a combination of a webcrawler, frontend where the result is stored on the blockchain!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project combines the complexity of google with the revolutionizing blockchain technology, no more does a developer need to guess their standings regarding SEO, as every score calculated along with it's keyword is available on the blockchain. Along with this, the times of shadow banning or artificially lowering score on a website is gone, with the transparancy of blockchain!

How it's Made

It is a search engine that uses a crawler made in Rust to aquire different types of information which in turn generates a score based on what is searched on. The result of the crawl is then uploaded onto the etherium blockchain via Solidity and Scroll. I made the crawler in Rust to become better at the language, and I used Solidity to become better at solidity.

It uses the frontend to read (and update if nessesary) the indexations that are stored on the blockchain.

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