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An NFT marketplace deployed on optimism,using the Graph as the query api

Project Description

This project allows user to create NFTs in the Kun project for free and trade them easily with low commission . Users can see their collections at their own gallery and see the price ranking on the dashboard. We offer more detailed data analysis for trader in the future by querying the subgraph of the market We're sure this is a user-friendly and interesting NFT market on the L2 network.

How it's Made

The project uses Hardhat as the frame of project.The smart contract has been deployed on the optimism-goerli testnet. We create a subgraph of the smart contract for front-end to query the data needed(This is the first time for us to use the Graph but it really catches us for its convenience!).In the front-end, we choose React to create the web application IPFS is used to store the metadata of the NFT by using a node.In the end,we use netlify to upload the project.

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