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A football betting dApp that leverages both socio's football tokens + some smart mathematics to create a speculative fun betting experience.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Lava is a sports & e-sports betting pool where relative token holders can vote for the winning team in any sports game. The dApp leverages the Chiliz Blockchain network, EVM smart contract capabilities and wrapped $CHZ to facilitate distributions of winnings. A user must hold both their team’s token and must purchase $LAVA tokens from the open market to vote. Their $LAVA tokens are pooled by purchasing shares of the pot. They can only vote for the team they hold a token for.

The game dynamics are based on an exponential bonding curve. Each purchase of a share of the pool will increase the price of the share. As more users purchase the higher the price of the share. This would create speculative decision on the winning team and therefore exponentially grow the range of the share. The earlier you are on your decision the more your potential earnings.

How it's Made

This gameFi dApp is designed using React +. Vite + Tailwind for a fully responsive experience (both Mobile + Desktop experience). I used Wagmi for Wallet connections. The smart contract (found under ./contracts in the source code) was borrowed from another open source project and tweaked to be deployed on Chiliz Mainnet using Remix IDE. Then I was going to use Moralis API + Wagmi to set up the server-side gameHandlers that handles the pooling/betting functions on-chain.

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