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This dapp will allow the users to learn and earn too, as they keep on completing modules in the designated time frame. Try on -


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🏗 Fuel — Best Fullstack Dapp on Fuel

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

The online education scheme currently is you purchase the course, the money goes into the pocket of the instructor, and other than attractive content no incentive to complete the course. There would be many of us who would have taken up an online course and completed a few modules and then left it archived.

While in lEarn, we are incentivizing the learners to get rewarded. Some amount from the course purchase price is allocated to reward the learner for completing course modules in designated time.

Protocol Work Flow

The learner enrolls in the course listed on the lEarn platform by paying the purchase price of the course and the amount gets locked into the contract.

Let's suppose the course price is 100$, and the instructor decides to keep 60% of the course price (60$) as his income and 40% of the course price (40$) to reward the user who completes the course. Assuming 4 modules in the course, then each course is having a reward amount of 10$.

Now as the learner completes Module 1 by the designated deadline, then the instructor has some evaluation process to evaluate the learner's progress and designate him as pass or fail. Currently, we are relying on quizzes, if all the answers are correct the learner will get the reward amount of 10$ for completing each module.

A scenario could be that the learner misses the deadline then he won't get the reward amount, and the 10$ reward will be the income of the instructor. The learner has multiple attempts to get evaluated till the deadline passes.

This way the learner is incentivized to learn and pass the evaluation tests to get the reward on the course. While the instructor gets benefitted from the users who just purchased the course and left it archived, as their reward amount becomes the instructor's income.

How it's Made

The dapp uses the frontend built on react from scratch, with the icons and the components imported from material ui.

The backend and the entire state of the dapp are maintained on the blockchain. The chains on which the dapp's smart contract is deployed are as follows:

  1. Fuel Beta 3 Testnet
  2. Gnosis (Chiado) Testnet
  3. Scroll Alpha Testnet
  4. Optimism Testnet
  5. Polygon zkEVM Testnet
  6. Filecoin Hyperspace Testnet
  7. Mantle Testnet.

The current state of each user is stored on-chain which tells about the learner's enrolled courses and the progress for the course. Enrolling and completing the module triggers the amount deducted and deposited from and to the wallet respectively. When the user is enrolled in the course the amount is locked in the contract till the entire course completion deadline for that learner passes or not. Once the deadline has passed then only the rest amount of the course fee after rewarding the learner for module completion gets transferred to the instructor as income.

All the above chains on which the contract is deployed are L2 or rollups which makes the transaction fast and even querying the learner data info.

We also have integrated push chat for support, which helps the learner to get in touch with the instructor and get their doubts resolved, by texting on the push chat popup in the bottom right corner.

Currently, the courses present on the lEarn dapp are static as there is no instructor UI where the instructor can upload the courses and set the reward rules. This is planned for the future.

HACK - To be eligible for the optimism track we have only deployed the contract on the optimism mainnet while all the testing has been done on the testnet. So for the mainnet address, there won't be any transaction other than contract creation.

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