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Learn Connect

A web3 education platform for individual educators. Allowing instructors to own and earn all of their content.

Learn Connect

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Project Description

While we couldn't finish during this hackathon thanks to the good old work responsibility, this is something that will be released in the coming week. There will be multiple changes to repo post submission so if that deisqualifies us totally fine we're just focused on getting this live.

With that said:

I(Rahat) wanted a platform where I could invite small number of people to do a live workshop led by me and then get feedback and interate on the workshop before releasing it as a recorded session meant for publilc consumption. Decided to use NFT badges minted on base to allow for access control on the workshop sign ups and then eth attestations for proof of finishing the workshop as well as reviews on chain for the workshop. The eth attestation part is pending but the NFT is now live on base.

How it's Made

This is built with Next JS, Biconomy for account abstraction and providing a good UX + gasless minting on base, hardhat, and typescript. Particle Auth was used for social logins so anyone even people outside of web3 could sign up and create a wallet.

On the roadmap as we continue with this project we will be adding: eth attestations for reviews as well as proof of work of completing the workshops, potentially livepeer for video streaming, as well as deform for signups.

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