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Legit Reviews

Create reviews from identity verified, legitimate accounts with proof of purchase.

Legit Reviews

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

This project addresses the problem of fake, spam and illegitimate online reviews. It works by enforcing the need for both vendors and reviewers to have ID verified accounts, and only allowing reviewers with verified purchases to post reviews.

Fake accounts, bots, and general spam accounts will not be able to:

  1. Verify their ID
  2. would not own the NFTs required to prove their involvement in a transaction/exchange.

It further adds an incentive mechanism for reviewers to provide their reviews.

The solution is generalizable to any vendor/buyer use case.

How it's Made

This project uses worldcoin's verifiable World IDs to verify IDs of vendors/merchants and buyers. Purchases are verified by a proof of payment NFT which is minted from a smart contract when initiated by a vendor/merchant. The proof of payment NFT leverages the Unlock protocol, to only allow legitimate customers to leave reviews, and not any other parties uninvolved in the exchange. Users interact with the app via a next.js frontend.

NFT metadata is stored on IPFS, whereas smart contracts are deployed on Polygon mainnet. We've also made use of the the Quicknode RPC node.

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