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Lens Giveaway

An Open Action Module that allows Lens users to create giveaway publication on Lens Protocol for their community.

Lens Giveaway

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Project Description

This project allows Lens users to create ERC-20 giveaways to their followers. Here's the flow:

  • The Giveaway creator set a token and an amount for the bounty and post it through Lens Protocol.
  • All his followers can now participate to the giveaway by registering
  • Then, when the Giveaway author wants, he can run the draw, and this will choose randomly a winner from the registrants and send him directly the tokens.

How it's Made

To do this project I used Lens Open Action Module: the giveaway is basically a lens post using the Module I built, the registrations and the draw are functions of this module. To draw randomly a winner I used the ChainlinkVRF solution, it allows me to get a random number directly onchain thanks to an offchain oracle.

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