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Lenschool is a social learning platform built on top of Lens Protocol. Creators can monetize their knowledge by selling video courses. Students can enroll in courses, and connect and collaborate with fellow learners.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🥇 Worldcoin — Best Use

🥉 Lens Protocol — Best Use

🎖 Airstack — Best Use

Project Description

Online course platforms are making education more accessible, affordable and flexible. However, the main problem of these platforms is that they lack the social elements of in-person education. Most students find themselves just passively consuming content on their own and most of times they drop a course before finishing it. Studies prove that learning along with others brings students to achieve better results, more satisfaction and higher completion rates.

That's why we built Lenschool, a social learning platform built on top of Lens Protocol, with the goal of making online education more fun, collaborative and effective. On Lenschool, students can enroll in video courses and connect and interact with fellow learners. Each course has a dedicated forum for discussions about the course content, asking questions and helping each other through between peers.

Creators can share and monetize their knowledge by creating courses and teaching to other people. They can also create referral programs for their courses to reach a wider audience.

By building on top of web3 technologies, Lenschool gives to users complete ownership over their content and monetization strategies.

How it's Made

Lenschool is built on top of Lens Protocol and KnowledgeLayer, an open protocol and toolkit for building educational platforms.

Here's how the main functionalities are implemented:

  • Profiles: Lens profiles are the main identity solution that Lenschool is based on.

  • Course creation: courses are created through KnowledgeLayer and linked inside a Lens post, using specific metadata. Video content is stored on Livepeer.

  • Buying courses: users can buy the course by collecting the post, paying the price chosen by the creator. The video content is token-gated by checking the ownership of the CollectNFT, using Airstack.

  • Discussions: students can start discussions in the course forum by commenting on the course post. Each top level comment is a discussion that students can further reply to.

  • Referrals: teachers can choose to have referral program by setting a mirror reward for the course post. Enrolled students can mirror the post and get a personal referral link to share. When someone buys the course through their link (collects the main post through then mirror) they get a fee on the sale.

  • Proof of personhood for teachers: To be able to create a course on Lenschool, teachers are required to prove that they're humans. We then require them to generate a proof through an anonymous action using their WorldID.

  • Fiat on-ramp for buying courses: In order to make the user experience as simple and web2-like as possible, users can easily buy crypto through the Safe Account Abstraction SDK and Stripe. In this way, it's super easy to get started buying courses even for non web3-native users.

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