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GHO themed Lens Protocol web app bridging the gap between DeFi & SoFi. Users can view GHO related lens posts, lens profiles, and connect their wallet to view their own stats.


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Project Description

LensGHO is a web app combining the worlds of Lens and GHO. Users can see live Aave Facilitator bucket stats. Users can view a feed of GHO related posts on Lens Protocol. Users can learn about GHO and how it works. Users can search and view lens profiles along with their stats. Users can connect their wallets to view the stats of their lens profiles.

How it's Made

This project is a web app made with Next, Vercel, Family ConnectKit, @Aave React Libraries, Lens Protocol React SDK, & Mantine UI.

ConnectKit - used so users can connect their wallet and view their lens profiles @Aave React Libraries - used to get Aave facilitator bucket stats Lens Protocol React SDK - used to get profiles, stats, GHO related posts, search profiles Mantine UI - for frontend Vercel - for hosting

PS. the 2 contributors to LensGHO are myself. I used codespaces to build and my GageVanK github reached the monthly limit.

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