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A privacy-preserving way for crypto natives to build their social graph


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

LetsConnect is a messenger and contacts app using EAS, XMTP, and Sismo Connect.

Telegram and POAPs were two common ways to exchange contacts at this year's EthCC. Exchanging Telegram handles is fast and gets the job done; however, it locks us into a closed-source platform and makes it hard to leverage your social graph onchain. POAPs, on the other hand, support a number of onchain use cases but lack privacy and make your social graph effectively public.

On LetsConnect, users can exchange contacts (using EAS attestations) and start a conversation instantly — to snap a selfie together, no doubt! — via secure chat (backed by XMTP), while also being able to leverage their social graph in a privacy-preserving way using ZK proofs (provided by Sismo).

How it's Made

Will do a thing here in a moment

  • EAS attestations

  • Burner wallets

  • Sismo Connect to create private vault IDs

  • XMTP to connect the participants

  • Server-side for Sismo proof validation

  • Next.js app

  • EAS attestations

  • Burner wallets

  • Sismo Connect to create private vault IDs

  • XMTP to connect the participants

  • EAS attestations

  • Burner wallets

  • Sismo Connect to create private vault IDs

  • XMTP to connect the participants

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