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LIT Memories

An application built using LIT Protocol and deployed on Scroll network by using which anyone can create encrypted NFTs in few seconds.

LIT Memories

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

An application built using next.js bootstrap application create-next-app, ERC-721 standard used for writing the NFT in Solidity network programming language, LIT Protocol used to encrypt the NFTs securely and deployed on Scroll network by using which anyone can create encrypted NFTs in few seconds.

How it's Made

We have used next.js bootstrap create-next-app to create the application structure, Solidity programming language to write NFT smart contract(Ethereum ERC-721 standard). Used LIT protocol to securely encrypt the NFTs and deployed the application on Scroll network(Scroll Sepolia Network).

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