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A personal non custodial wallet with enterprise security. Llavero is a cloudwallet will install in your personal cloud. It is call Software as MY Service (SaMS) or CloudApps.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Llavero is essentially your personal Ledger or Trezor, but in the cloud. I've crafted a nifty Windows Desktop installer that lets you create your very own non-custodial wallet on your preferred cloud platform (AWS, GCP, AZURE). The process is a breeze - simply download the installer for Windows, Mac, Linux, or from your favorite app store.

Once you have the installer, set up an admin user on your personal cloud account. You'll input these credentials into the installer along with some additional details, like your email or cellphone number. These will be securely stored in your very own Identity Provider, AWS Cognito. So, you get all the ease and familiarity of Web2 security, including MFA, emails, and SMS, but with absolute privacy.

But wait, there's more! I'm actively working on making the installation process even smoother by collaborating with AWS, AZURE, and Google.

Once the installation is complete, you'll have your very own personal web service non-custodial wallet. Think of it as your Ledger or YubiKey in the cloud. It's powered by KMS (Key Management Service), which stands for key management service. KMS is essentially like having your very own hardware security module (HSM) to generate, store, and manage cryptographic keys. It's cryptography as a service. And guess what? The key never leaves your device, just like a Ledger. AWS KMS combines HSMs, IAM, APIs, auditing, and more to provide a fully-managed and secure key management and encryption service. And now, each person can use this service individually. Each person can own their piece of the digital world - their own Dropbox, calendar, DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers), and more.

But it doesn't stop there! You can manage your personal wallet with ease. Llavero's web page is hosted on AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFront, and has its own bucket, along with your personal database in DynamoDB. All of these technologies come with a fantastic free tier and maximum durability, plus they're auto-managed. Llavero offers all the functionality and beauty you'd find on any top-tier exchange, but here's the kicker - you own it! Connect to any DApp with WalletConnect, send and receive transactions, manage multiple accounts and networks, set up MFA and passkeys, whitelist and time your transactions, and even explore multisignature protocols for added security.

We're talking bank-level security here, and you're in control. Income-wise, Llavero can generate revenue through sponsors, DeFi services, consulting, KYC services for multisignature protocols, and an app store.

We're using well-known components and services, tried-and-true technology, to create your very own service. Our philosophy is simple: give people the best technology. Software as a Service (SaaS) might not be private and can be a single point of failure. SaMS, on the other hand, is a user-friendly option with absolute privacy. We're starting with early adopters and crypto enthusiasts, and as it becomes easier to install, we aim for mass adoption.

So, there you have it - Llavero, a game-changer in the world of personal digital wallets. Your privacy, your control, your future

How it's Made

Llavero is a TypeScript-based project comprising two primary components: an installer and a web application. Here's a detailed breakdown of the technical aspects:

Installer: We employed Electron with React to develop the installer, enhancing the user experience during installation. This installer serves as the entry point to the Llavero system.

Key Technologies: Our technology stack revolves around three critical components:

AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit): AWS CDK allowed us to define our infrastructure as code, simplifying the setup of essential cloud resources.

SST (Serverless Stack): SST streamlined our serverless development process, enabling us to concentrate on code development rather than infrastructure management.

AWS SDK: The AWS SDK acted as the bridge to various Amazon Web Services, facilitating seamless interactions and integration.

Installer's Role: The installer functions as more than just a gateway; it acts as a comprehensive setup wizard. Its primary responsibilities include:

Creating a Cognito service for user authentication. Generating KMS (Key Management Service) keys for secure cryptographic key management. Establishing a DynamoDB table for data management. Creating a generic domain in CloudFront to host the web application. Installing Next.js with the necessary permissions to manage these resources. Setting up Lambda functions and a hosting bucket to support the web application. Alternative Approach: In addition to the primary approach, we are considering an alternative method that involves deploying a container with chip services, such as AWS AppRunner, to enhance flexibility and scalability.

Logging and Security: Security is paramount, particularly for cryptographic operations. Every signature generation and transaction is logged comprehensively. To enhance security, we offer features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and whitelisting. The core of our cryptographic operations is a dedicated Lambda service authorized to request KMS for signing, effectively acting as a cryptography-as-a-service engine.

In summary, Llavero is constructed on a foundation of cutting-edge technologies like AWS CDK, SST, and AWS SDK, designed to provide a secure and technically robust environment for users to manage their cryptographic assets.

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