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Lucky Draw

Web3 Raffle: Secure & verifiable lucky draws on the blockchain

Lucky Draw

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Neon EVM - Best Use Case of Neon EVM 3rd place

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Unboxing is a secure and transparent lottery protocol built on blockchain technology. It allows participants to compete for high-value prizes like NFTs, RWAs(Real World Assets), and cryptocurrencies at a lower cost. Leveraging Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) and smart contracts, Unboxing guarantees fair and verifiable winner selection. Participants can enter by sending their tokens to the protocol’s smart contract, and after the deadline a winner is selected with the trust of VRF and smart contracts. This eliminates the need for a central authority, reducing the risk of fraud and manipulation, while fostering trust through verifiable randomness and public transaction history.
The prizes available in Unboxing can encompass various forms, including specific coins or tokens, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), RWAs (Real World Assets), among others. Ultimately, Unboxing reimagines lotteries for the digital age, promoting security, transparency, accessibility, and a wider range of prize options for a global audience.

How it's Made

Unboxing leverages blockchain technology for a secure and transparent experience. Smart contracts, developed on the Arbitrum testnet using Solidity, manage the entire process. These contracts handle prize registration including information, funding duration, cost, and the number of participants. This data is then reflected on the user interface built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To participate, users send cryptocurrency to the Vault contract, which maintains a real-time list of participants displayed on the frontend through public RPC nodes. Once the funding period closes, Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) generate verifiable random numbers on the blockchain. These numbers are then mapped to participant positions in the list, determining a winner in a provably fair manner. Finally, the winner can claim their prize through a simple transaction initiated on the frontend.

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