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A marketplace for web3 educators to learn, earn and teach by creating content for protocols from an educators lens.


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Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

Education is the key to mass adoption of blockchain technology. In order to onboard the next generation of web3 users, we must first onboard the educators who will introduce the technology from an academic lens. However, currently all educational content is created by and for onboarding of developers.

Luminat3 solves this problem by hosting a decentralized market place for web3 educators. Through automated verification processes, educators can complete on chain tasks that demonstrate their ability and knowledge base. The educators are rewarded for creating content that is used for onboarding developers, new web3 educators and the next generation of adopters. At Luminate, protocols can identify qualified contributors (technical and non-technical) for content creation and user case studies.

Protocols are granted access to post career opportunities, bounties, share current docs and incentivize users by awarding monetary awards and achievement badges. In addition, content consumers have the ability to rate the educators content.

Our Goals :

Our goal at Luminat3 is to onboard the next generation of builders and adopters by incentivizing web3 educators to create content and continue engaging with new blockchain concepts via experiential learning.

What problems will Luminat3 solve:

a) LatAm Blockchain adoption: The launch of Luminat3 will contribute to the acceleration of the economical development of LatAm through workforce training. The improvement of people’s quality of life depend largely on the knowledge and use of innovative technologies and solutions such as Web3. In turn, if people do not have access to this knowledge, they will not be able to obtain well-paying jobs and be competitive in the job market. Therefore, it is necessary to generate incentives that allow educators and developers to learn about the fundamentals, different protocols and solutions in Web3.

b) Scalability: There is tremendous opportunities to scale the education and adaptation by training the educator. As an example in the U.S. there are around 1.5 million university professors teaching 19 million students. In addition, there are 4.4 million developers who have the technical foundation to understand blockchain technology but lack the knowledge of Web3. Teachers and developers have no incentive to educate themselves in Web3, as it requires time and full attention. Additionally, this is a distraction from their paid opportunities.

c) Building Communities: Protocols require growing their communities by transmitting how they work and building solutions in a scalable way. This can be achieved through web3 educators who are interested in the technology through incentives and providing a source of educated potential collaborators.

The revenue model:

  1. Fees and commission from Protocols posting bounties and career opportunities.

  2. Quadratic founding : Community crowdfunding and donations.

  3. Government grants and contracts: Local and national department of education technical development funding.

How it's Made

@Polygon We are using Polygon to deploy our Non-Transferable NFT minting smart contract. The NFTS minted from this contract will serve as rewards for educators.

@LensProtocol We use Lens protocol to create and retrieve user profiles.

@WalletConnect Wallet connect provides a seamless connection of on chain accounts to direct rewards for educators

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