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Made it Together

Goal Achievement Service, support people in improving habits or achieving goals. It allows you to make a deposit and get reimbursed when you complete a mission.

Made it Together

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

This service aims to assist individuals in improving their habits or achieving goals by offering a unique approach. Users can deposit a certain amount of money and receive reimbursement when they successfully complete a mission. This financial incentive serves as motivation for users to stay committed to their objectives, creating a win-win situation where they can work towards their goals while having the potential to get their initial deposit back upon mission completion.

The platform can cater to various goals and missions, such as fitness achievements, learning new skills, adopting healthier habits, completing personal projects, or professional milestones. Users have the flexibility to set their missions and the amount they are willing to invest in themselves.

To ensure transparency and prevent abuse, the service needs a reliable process to verify mission completion. Additionally, it may include features like progress tracking, goal-setting tools, community support, and various payment options to enhance the user experience.

In summary, this service provides a motivating and rewarding way for individuals to improve themselves by incentivizing goal achievement through a deposit and reimbursement system.

How it's Made

Smart Contract Deployment: To ensure transparency and security, we deploy smart contracts on the blockchain. These smart contracts govern the entire process, including challenge creation, deposit management, and mission verification.

User Account Creation: Users can create their accounts on the "Goal Together" platform, linking their Web3 wallets to participate seamlessly.

Creating Challenges: Anyone can create their challenges, tailor-made to their interests and goals. Challenges can range from fitness activities,

Deposit with Crypto: Users can deposit cryptocurrency, such as Ethereum, as their commitment to the challenge. The deposit is securely held within the smart contract until the mission is verified.

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