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Magnet merges physical & digital realms, making real-life experiences verifiable on-chain credentials. Users earn badges, connect with like-minded people, while brands reach authentic audiences. Foster meaningful connections & better matchmaking; 'Here for Real, not the Reel.'


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🏊 Biconomy — Pool Prize

Project Description

Overview: For over a decade, our social interactions have been scattered across numerous applications, resulting in fragmented and disjointed digital identities. We repetitively reconstruct our digital personas with each new platform, only to leave our personal data, our online lifeblood, at the mercy of these applications. Despite living an increasingly digital life, we lack ownership and control of our own data, undermining the authenticity of our digital selves.

There is hope: Social Graphs enable individuals and their relationships with each other. It enables users to control their data and ensures their privacy is protected.

Problem Statement: Even with enhanced Social Graphs (i.e. Lens V2) – these are still Web3 Centric and tailored for crypto natives. If we are to get the next 1 billion web 2 users, we need to start incorporating Web2 data..
Web3 social apps (i.e. Phaver, Orb, Lenster) currently just capture web3 data (i.e. NFTs, DAO Soulbound tokens).

Problem Statement:

While enhanced Social Graphs such as Lens V2 have made strides in personalizing the web3 experience, they are primarily tailored for the crypto natives. To truly capture the next billion internet users - the web2 populace - we must begin integrating web2 data into our platforms. Currently, web3 social apps like Phaver, Orb, and Lenster primarily focus on web3-centric data like NFTs and DAO Soulbound tokens, leaving a vast scope for the inclusion of web2 user data.


To truly tap into the potential of web3 and onboard the next billion users, we need to broaden our horizons beyond the confines of web3 data. Our proposed solution is an application that integrates data from popular web2 platforms such as Google Maps, Eventbrite, Twitter, and Instagram, thereby enriching the Lens V2 Social Graph. This inclusive approach paves the way for a more comprehensive and representative social graph, facilitating the transition of a broader user base into the web3 ecosystem.

At the core of our system, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in discerning if an activity or experience meets the preset parameters to earn a Verifiable Credential (VC). These VCs, minted on the robust Polygon ZKEVM, serve as a digital testament to your real-world experiences and achievements.

To provide a seamless user experience, especially for the non-crypto native audience, we've employed Biconomy's AA, elegantly obfuscating the complexities of wallet creation and VC minting. This design decision broadens Magnet's appeal, inviting a wider audience to the world of digital identity creation.

Magnet’s charm lies in its ability to convert your tangible qualities and experiences into digital badges, painting a comprehensive and precise digital reflection of you. These curated and standardized tokens offer a modular and holistic view of a user’s personality. This aggregated data, secured and shared using Selective Disclosure, arms users with the power to forge deeper, more meaningful connections.

Imagine dating apps that use verified hobbies and achievement badges for better matchmaking, or brands effectively reaching their target communities based on verified real-world experiences. The potential use cases are boundless.

As a web3 native project, users enjoy the flexibility to export this enriched social graph, or a tailor-made version of it, to any web3 projects built on social protocols like Lens. Moreover, the option to showcase these VCs on web2 platforms opens up new avenues for user engagement and interaction. With Magnet, we're redefining

How it's Made

"Magnet.ID, capitalizing on EAS's capabilities, enables the issuance of attestations for users. Our approach centers on utilizing open data sources, such as Google Maps and Eventbrite APIs, always prioritizing user consent.

To ensure a smooth transition into the crypto landscape, we employ Biconomy's SDK to create an AA wallet for the user. Furthermore, the intuitive and friendly interface of Magnet.ID caters specifically to non-crypto natives.

To facilitate a robust connection to Polygon ZkEVM, Magnet.ID incorporates QuickNode’s RPC URL. For image data storage associated with attestations, we leverage the decentralized and secure IPFS system."

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