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Mantle Vault

modular multistrategy defi vault deployed on mantle. frontend is deployed on goerli to allow interact with an aave strategy with weth, but can modularly add different strategies and their respective weights.

Mantle Vault

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🏊 Mantle — Pool Prize

Project Description

We used the erc4626 standard to build a composable defi vault that can accepts a range of strategies.

Users deposit into the vault and earn yield from the added strategy. We deployed on mantle testnet and also goerli to imploy a defi strategy that earns yield on aave .

After a period of time the user can withdraw their yield.

How it's Made

The frontend was build with next js and standard web3 libraries including wagmi and rainbowkit. backend build with solidity. We have build a composable strategy contract that can be customised to fit the strategist needs. We envision strategies to be composable overtime, and the vault can interact with a number of protocols, even bridging

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