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Decentralizing medical records to allow patients to access and control their own medical data


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Currently medical data is owned by doctors and patients sometimes even have to pay to access their own data and scans after paying for healthcare. This allows patients to control who can read and write their data, easily switch institutions, etc. Using IPFS all complicated legacy medical records, scans, biometric data can be stored. The AI based querying also allows doctors to query decades of medical data with a single question instead of spending hours looking through all of it

The point of this is to let people own their data. Right now doctors own it. I'm not allowed to see it. I go in for MRIs and EEGs and I'm not even allowed to know the results or see scans I paid for till my doctor decides to tell me. With Medici, scan centres can directly upload to my medical file for me and my trusted parties to view.

This improves the patients quality of life. and with the AI based medical data querying, even quality of care. While the queries won't replace medical advice, keep in mind GPT did pass the MCAT, and only continues to get better. It can begin to see patterns and consume medical data instantly, wheras doctors have to spends hours for the same rigour and have dozens of patients making it impractical

How it's Made

Stack: NextJS + Node app Hardhat + thirdweb for smart contracts CharkraUI

WorldCoin - Auth users. make 1 user has 1 record Uses biometric data to verify a person identity which is perfect for medical data. A doctor doesnt need to know your name to treat you. Our smart contract doesnt ask for or store your name

IPFS - to store medical scans, data files, etc. This allows for full decentralization without relying on third party providers, no one can dip into your AWS bucket. This allows storage of higher sized more complex medical data which is perfect so there's not lower quality of data

Polygon - to host the smart contract storing all the data Hosted on Mumbai. There are no web2 components everything is 100% decentralized data

Used OpenAI GPT to query the medical data and let doctors get the data they want without going through decades of complex medical history. Also allows patients to ask questions about their own data since they not be able to do that themselves

The smart contract has privacy in mind. The patient controls which wallets can read and write their data. They can change this at any time. Using their WorldID they can also choose to change the primary wallet they can use to access their medical data.

Used ThirdWeb to launch, manage and access smart contract calls

Wrote the entire smart contract myself from scratch (pretty proud of that as these were my first lines of Solidity I ever wrote).

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