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Test your thinking and Solidity coding limits with this full on-chain strategy games in which you battle agains powerful creatures referred to as only: "Medjeds".


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🔴 Optimism — Just Deploy!

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Your objective: Become and stay the KING of Medjeds.

Every Medjed has:

  • Stats (Health, Stamina, Speed)
  • Set of Skills (Fire, Laser, Thunder)
  • Behaviour/Strategy

Strategy is represented by a Smart Contract that will determine how the Medjed will act based on: Match's current state, Its own internal state, + Anything else that you can think of :)

Battle between the King and Challenger turn-based, and is played out as:

  • Random Number is generated which will determine the sequence of turns.
  • When it's a Medjed's turn, all necessary information needed to make a decision is passed to its Smart Contract which will return a Skill that will be applied to the oponnent
  • Validity of the move is determined (based on Battle rules)
  • Effects of the move are applied to Medjeds (updates the Game's state)
  • Repeat steps 2 to 4 until one Medjed's Health goes to 0 or MAX_MOVES is reached and the Medjed with the highest Health becomes the new KING.

How it's Made

The project uses: React.js, Hardhat, Solidity, and Javascript:

Players write and deploy Solidity Smart Contracts that will serve as a strategy for their Medjeds. This is enabled by helper scripts/example strategies used to enable a smooth process for them. After this scripts are executed, a link with the match's play out is shown to the player. Then they review the progression, and adapt accordingly.

The project is deployed on: GNOSIS, SCROLL, POLYGON_ZK and OPTIMISM

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