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a, CPAAS, content protocol as a service, that creates NFT's out of memories,


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

The specific implementation of our idea for a content protocol tracks the adoption of Safe Wallets and when the milestone of 8 million wallets has been reached an NFT will unlock. On a weekly timeframe a farecaster frame will be generated and posted. Token owners and other fans of Safe wallets can track the adoption progress and get excited around the NFT unlock. Campaigns like this may also contribute to transparency in the ecosystem.

How it's Made

Web3 projects may deploy a cloudless function on Fluence decentralized compute platform. The cloudless function will be running on a set interval until campaign ends or milestone has been reached. On said interval it will orchestrate a flow that fetches data from Dune API, based on query ID in supplied config (stored on IPFS) it will then call a decider service which determines if milestone has been reached. It will then call methods on the next service to call a nextjs app deployed on Vercel which generates images from html and data and serves those images as well as the metadata for a farecaster frame.

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