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Memories for Sales

Memories for Sales is a multi-media creative project that offers the first collaborative platform for various creative stakeholders to work on smart contract and on consequent content intuitively.

Memories for Sales

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Project Description

The project shows one original IP called Memories for Sales, and the protagonist Kaiya's life about jumpining into a danger intentionally and selling memories in a blackmarket illegally. The each episode contains texts, images, and some contain manga and music format. On each episode offers a space for users to collaborate and submit their own tribute or improvement on work, mainly based on request made by author/DAO. Firstm you can connect to your wallet and choose Metamask or any wallet you have with WalletConnect. As user reads episode or go to Contribute & Earn page, and clicks to submit e.g. modification of facial expression of character on the page, pinata will open up a gateway to upload it on IPFS through Polygon network. DAO is just a concept here, but is supposed to decide whether to approve the submitted work or not, and the default is set for false for now. For DAO tooling, we use Next.ID from Mask where user can connect with existing web2 socials and add value to their creative profile on our platform and increase the presense in our creative community and DAO decision/contribution. As a cherry on the top, you can sell or release by inputting your memories/stories and inplant that on virtual personality (Beta).

How it's Made

The project is made with Next.JS, and styled with Tailwind.css and DaisyUI. Smart contract is written in Solidity, using ERC721. It stores id, cid; and recognize address as an author. In episode page, I use following; Web3: Web3 to connect with Ethereum node, using a HTTP. wagmi: It deals account connections and contract interactions. store NFT data containing following: files, isAprove: false, aprover & author. Pinata: Pinata is a our gateway. Axios: Making requests from API

When the data is uploaded, it is first pinned to IPFS using Pinata, and then the IPFS URL is submitted to the smart contract. `The process ensures creators to fully take advantage of blockchain to secure their credit in creative process, and also allow them to scale their IP to the multi-layered.

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