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MetaBlast has been developed for a much better wallet experience with bridge and DAO tools. Users can perform their cross-chain bridge transactions without leaving the wallet interface and can vote for their favorite tokens governance proposals.


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

✨ Metamask — Best Metamask Snap Runner Up

Project Description

Users interact with lots of applications in Ethereum, but Metamask is not designed to ease their experiences in many situations. MetaBlast is an extension designed to maximize the user experience provided by Metamask for the bridges and DAOs.

Ethereum users use the bridges to pass their assets between different blockchain networks. When you connect to the bridges, you need to connect your wallet and select the blockchains to process the transaction. Instead of users opening the bridge in the browser, MetaBlast enables quick transfer of assets with the bridge function integrated directly into the wallet extension in Metamask Snap like swap function in Metamask.

One of the most common actions of Ethereum users is voting in governance. Snapshot are mostly used to vote to make decisions in different dApps. The users connect to Snapshot by wallet, and then apply votes with their owned governance tokens. MetaBlast performs these transactions with the Snapshot application integrated into the Metamask Snap, instead of performing these transactions through a dApp. MetaBlast directly shows users governance tokens proposals in integrated extensions.

How it's Made

We want to take the user experience to the next level by using Metamask Snaps. For this, we have integrated a bridge feature into the wallet interface which is one of the most used transactions by Ethereum users. For this, we made an extension to Metamask's interface using Snaps. We also used “Across Bridge” for cross-chain bridge operation. With the interfaces Across provides to us, bridge transactions can be performed through Metamask.

We used React, Axios, Typescript, JavaScript, Snap.js, Flask.js, Snapshot.js, Graphql, Solidity to build the app.

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