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MetaDeployer acts as a schema or psuedo key value database stored on IPFS. It is intended to provide a simple accessible means for storing metadata on a distributed file system.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🏃 Filecoin — Runner Up

Project Description

MetaDeployer acts as a schema or psuedo key value database stored on IPFS. It is intended to provide a simple accessible means for storing metadata on a distributed file system. This allows us to ensure the integrity of decentralized applications and very accessibly. It can be deployed on most networks, and intends to be a full fledged library soon for my own projects as well as others!

How it's Made

It uses Web3.Storage for the methods to call to IPFS to store the data. Basically when somebody has an object to store data for, it will call IPFS to create a CID, and then it create a name alias via IPNS and then deploys a contract which stores that data on a struct, which can be accessed and viewed/read with a view function (i intend to create an entire interface for it). This means the CID or mutable alias for IPFS is stored on-chain and can be persistent. It also can be immutable, but it's for metadata.

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