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We built a mobile-first dapp in which people can share their reviews and advices, receiving a reputational score that can later be translated to monetary benefits. .


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Project Description

We were inspired by our trip to DEVCON. When we visited Bogota, for most of our team it was our first time visiting the city.

Reviews play a very important role when it comes to traveling/visiting a new place. That's why many people create their travel itineraries influenced by the reviews they read. It is important to have a place where only real users can post real reviews and get rewarded for their contributions.

We built a mobile-first dapp in which people can share their reviews and advices, receiving a reputational score that can later be translated to monetary benefits. .

How it's Made

We used Lens to connect together all the reviews and tips around a certain category/location from Lens's social graph. We plan to incorporate a review/point mechanism to add weight to such connections and interests.

Users can connect on their mobile phones via several channels like Wallet Connect for easy access to the app. We plan to integrate some sort of proof of humanity in order to avoid sibyl attacks.

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