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Metamask ICON Snap

It is a snap to use ICON blockchain in metamask. ICON blockchain is a separate layer1 blockchain.

Metamask ICON Snap

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

But our idea was to implement the ICON blockchain as a snap in Metamask. We were not able to complete the project. ICON blockchain is a separate layer1 blockchain where smart contracts are written in Java. It doesn't natively support ethereum wallets. So using metamask it would be helptul to connect users from metamask wallet with ICON.

How it's Made

It's made using the Metamask Snap template. The snap template was provided by consensys team. The program uses typescript for writing core pack packages. It has 3 main components: snap, adaptor, and Dapp. The program uses typescript for writing core pack packages. It has 3 main components: snap, adaptor, and Dapp.

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