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AI generated content powered social media network that lets users express creatively/


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

How might we create an ai-powered social network?

We started with diving deep into how will users connect with each other on certain social and professional topics with AI. How might content be generated using AI?

A social network re-imagining the way people interact online. Build interactive post using creative AI models.

Real time image generation, voice and more.

How does it work? We have templates (ai models) posted on our platform Users explore posts made using these models Engage with the post (Comment, React) Remix it, creating a chain of posts Engagement incentivized with native coins

Tokenomics A self-sustained system that uses the native coins in the vault to generate more posts.

Purpose : Changing the landscape of interaction on Social Media with AI Users “CREATE + Consume” instead of only Consume We introduce templated which users can build on

Text to Funny Potraits Text to Tunes Text to Joke by famous people Text to memes And moree…

Future Plans : Create a studio for users to create their own models < engage audience < earn

How it's Made

In building our project, we leveraged several cutting-edge technologies to create a seamless onchain social media experience on chain. We used Filecoin (Lighthouse) to store all AI-generated content securely and decentralized. For efficient and secure communication across our platform, we deployed a custom IPC subnet. Each post on our platform is authenticated using the Sign Protocol, which records critical metadata such as the user’s username, the content’s prompt, the post template, generation timestamp, and the user’s smart wallet address. Our use of account abstraction and the MM platform token onchain enables gasless and streamlined transactions, making the user experience straightforward and accessible. These integrations and our innovative approach have helped us ensure a robust, user-friendly platform that maintains data integrity and provides a transparent, engaging user experience.

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