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MinHub is a one-stop service for all NFT creators. MinHub allows you to generate and deploy a ERC721 contract on the Scroll blockchain with any information and features without knowing how to code.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

MinHub leverages IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for efficient metadata processing and storage within its ecosystem. When NFT creators generate and deploy an ERC721 contract on the Scroll blockchain, MinHub utilizes IPFS to store and manage associated metadata seamlessly. IPFS ensures decentralized and distributed storage, enhancing accessibility and reliability of the metadata.

To query blockchain data and transactions, MinHub integrates with The Graph. The Graph is a decentralized protocol that allows efficient indexing and querying of blockchain data. By utilizing The Graph, MinHub enables users to easily access and retrieve specific information related to their NFTs or transactions, enhancing transparency and usability within the platform.

How it's Made

MinHub's robust system is crafted by intertwining key technologies. To harness the power of IPFS for metadata, the platform employs a dynamic storage system. When a creator generates and deploys an ERC721 contract on the Scroll blockchain through MinHub, the associated metadata is processed and seamlessly stored on IPFS. This decentralized approach ensures data resilience and accessibility.

To empower users with the ability to query blockchain data and transactions effortlessly, MinHub integrates The Graph. This decentralized indexing protocol enables efficient and fast retrieval of relevant information, enhancing the user experience. The Graph's query capabilities contribute to the transparency of the platform, allowing users to explore and analyze blockchain data with ease.

In summary, MinHub's intricate architecture is a fusion of IPFS for metadata storage and The Graph for streamlined blockchain data querying. This combination results in a user-friendly and powerful one-stop solution for NFT creators, eliminating the barriers associated with coding while providing advanced functionalities.

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