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Missio Contributors innovates DAO governance with qualitative contributor scores, employing zk proofs for on-chain transparency. The project enhances decentralized decision-making via validated merit.

Missio Contributors

Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🔑 Worldcoin — Best Sign in with App

🥇 ApeCoin DAO — Best Contribution

Project Description

Here at, we're tackling a challenge that's been long-standing in the world of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): quantifying the value of contributions. We're doing this by developing a system that leverages Shapley scoring mechanisms and our proprietary machine learning algorithms to qualitatively score DAO contributors.

For this hackathon, we've built an application that showcases a single DAO. Here's how it works: users upload a proposal URL, and our API retrieves the necessary data. It applies predefined weights and biases to score users and returns these results to the front-end. We've also ensured that our system can analyze specific areas of knowledge, leading to more precise and nuanced scoring.

But we're not just stopping at scoring. Our system uses this data to improve the efficiency of DAO governance and operations. It even provides an in-depth analysis and review of proposal feedback.

To ensure the integrity of our scoring system, we're utilizing Worldcoin to verify the proof of humanity and unique personhood. We're also employing Polygon ID to generate on-chain credentials for contributor scoring. As for our test case, we've chosen the apecoin DAO, largely due to their high level of discussion participation.

In short, at, we're committed to optimizing DAOs by recognizing, analyzing, and rewarding every contribution. Our goal is to create a more democratic and effective decentralized ecosystem. And we're excited to see where this journey takes us.

How it's Made

Our project, Contributors, is a complex interplay of several key technologies.

We used Next.js as our main framework. This enabled us to build a robust, server-rendered React application with in-built route handling and server-side rendering for better SEO and performance. It provided a reliable foundation for our project.

The user interface was designed using Chakra UI, a responsive, accessible, and modular component library. It streamlined the process of creating an intuitive and visually pleasing interface, saving us time to focus on the logic and functionality.

Worldcoin SDK was used to validate the uniqueness and authenticity of users in our scoring system. This was crucial in maintaining the integrity and accuracy of our contribution scores, ensuring that each score is tied to a unique, verified individual.

We implemented Polygon ID for the creation of on-chain credentials, enabling a transparent and secure way of recording and retrieving contributor scores. This forms the basis of our trustless scoring system.

Our application fetches proposal data from apecoin DAO via the Discourse API. We set specific values for replies to these proposals, assessing their quality, relevance, and usefulness. This data was then used to calculate qualitative scoring metrics.

For visualizing our scoring metrics, we utilized Chart.js. It provided us with dynamic and interactive charts that made the user's scoring information easy to understand and visually appealing.

A notable 'hacky' element was our unique application of machine learning algorithms and Shapley scoring mechanisms to create a qualitative assessment system. This required careful calibration and fine-tuning to ensure accurate scoring based on various data points from user contributions. This creative use of technologies, while challenging, was key to making our project unique and effective.

In conclusion, each technology was chosen with care to meet specific project needs, and their successful integration resulted in the creation of - a tool designed to enhance transparency and efficiency in DAO governance and operations.

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